
Standard types

Below are Qt equivalents to MessagePack types listed in spec:

MessagePack type Qt or C++ type
positive fixint quint8
fixmap, map QMap, QHash
fixarray,array QList
fixstr, str QString
nil QVariant()
false, true bool
bin QByteArray
float 32 float
float 64 double
uint 8 quint8
uint 16 quint16
uint 32 quint32
uint 64 quint64
int 8 qint8
int 16 qint16
int 32 qint32, int
int 64 qint64
negative fixint qint8

You can pack and unpack any of those types right away:


Pass QVariant to MsgPack::pack() function:

QVariant v = 123;
QByteArray packed = MsgPack::pack(v);
qDebug() << packed.toHex();

Of course QVariant can contain a QVarianList or a QVariantMap:

QList<QVariant> list;
list << 123 << 4.56 << true;
QByteArray packed = MsgPack::pack(list);
qDebug() << packed.toHex();


If you want to pack QList<int> for example see: REF TO MsgPackStream


Unpacking is handled by MsgPack::unpack() function:

QByteArray packed = MsgPack::pack("qwerty");
QVariant unpacked = MsgPack::unpack(packed);
qDebug() << unpacked.toString();


If packed data contains only one msgpack type (fixstr of fixmap for example), unpack will return it as QVariant(QString()) and QVariant(QMap()) respectively. But if there are several values packed, QVariant(QList()) will be returned (consider this 5 bool values packed without msgpack’s list: [0xc3, 0xc3, 0xc3, 0xc3, 0xc3])

More types

There are built in packers and unpackers (basic and stream ones) for following types: QPoint, QSize, QRect, QTime, QDate, QDateTime, QColor, QGeoCoordinate. But since there is no such types in msgpack spec, ext type is used.


MsgPack::registerType(QMetaType::QPoint, 37); // 37 is msgpack user type id
QByteArray ba = MsgPack::pack(QPoint(12, 34));
qDebug() << MsgPack::unpack(ba).toPoint();

Note, that QColor and QGeoCoordinate is enabled by default only in qmake project.

Thread safety

All methods are thread safe, except MsgPack::setCompatibilityModeEnabled which is not.

pack() and unpack() do not use any global variables except user packers and unpackers, access to them is controlled via QReadLocker (and QWriteLocker when registering a new one), so readers do not block each other.


User packers and unpackers can break thread-safety! But in most cases they are so simple, so this is not a problem.

Compatibility mode

You can enable compatibility mode this way: MsgPack::setCompatibilityModeEnabled(true), after that there will be no str8, and QByteArray will be packed to str.