
There are QDataStream analogue with almost identical API. Every basic type is supported as well as QList<T> and Qt types (QPoint, QSize, QRect, QTime, QDate, QDateTime, QColor, QGeoCoordinate). More types are on the way.


You can use any QIODevice derived class or QByteArray.

QByteArray ba;
MsgPackStream out(&ba, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
out << 1 << true << "Hello";
qDebug() << ba.toHex();

Of course you can unpack this byte array using MsgPack::unpack:

qDebug() << MsgPack::unpack(ba);
// output:
// QVariant(QVariantList, (QVariant(uint, 1), QVariant(bool, true), QVariant(QString, "Hello")))

QList of any type are also supported:

QList<int> list;
list << 1 << 2 << 3;
QByteArray ba;
MsgPackStream out(&ba, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
out << list;


To unpack QByteArray just pass it by value, or use QIODevice::ReadOnly for other devices:

MsgPackStream in(ba);
QList<int> list2;
in >> list2;
qDebug() << list2; // (1, 2, 3)

More types

Include <qmsgpack/stream/geometry.h (or location.h or time.h) for additional types. And do not forget to register type, so that MsgPackStream will know which user type id to use.

#include <qmsgpack/stream/geometry.h>
// ...

MsgPack::registerType(QMetaType::QPoint, 3);
QByteArray ba;
MsgPackStream out(&ba, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
out << QPoint(1, 2) << QPoint();
qDebug() << MsgPack::unpack(ba);
// output:
// QVariant(QVariantList, (QVariant(QPoint, QPoint(1,2)), QVariant(QPoint, QPoint(0,0))))